Well Test Choke Manifold
The purpose of well test choke manifold is to control the wellhead during the period of wellhead oil production.
The standard well test choke manifold is equipped with a 2" (diameter) fixed choke valve and a 2" (diameter)adjustable choke valve.
The fixed choke valve can make the wellhead produce at a constant speed, which determines the accuracy of production test and analysis.
The selection of fixed nozzle size is determined by the important flow conditions through the nozzle, and the adjustable choke valve is used in well flushing.
Main technical parameters
Main diameter specification: 4 1/16”, 3 1/16*, 2 9/16*
Working pressure: 21MPa (3000Psi), 35MPa(5000Psi), 70MPa(10000Psi), 105MPa (15000Psi)
Working temperature:P-U(-29C-121C)
Applicable media: oil, natural gas (hydrogen sulfide) and mud
Material grade:AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF. HH
Product specification level: PSL3
Performance requirement: PR1
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