Chemical lnjection Device
The chemical injection device is used to inject antifreeze such as methanol or ethylene glycol into the fluid upstream of the test choke manifold,
so as to prevent the formation liquid from blocking the nozzle due to the pressure drop, which will cause the hydrate to freeze and increase the
reliability of the surface test system and the pressure drop range of the upstream and downstream of the nozzle.
The chemical reagent is injected through the chemical reagent injection port on the data head.
Main technical parameters
Working medium: methanol or glycol
Tank capacity: 37.1L (10 US gal)
Injection capability: 0.01-0.19m³/h(0.17-3.17L/min)
Air pressure: 0.69MPa(100Psi)
Injection pressure: 70MPa(10000Psi), 105MPa(15000Psi)
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